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About the Class

If your portrait sales are lower than you’d like, you might be sabotaging your sales without even knowing it. Join Allison and Jeff as they share two different perspectives on the game-changing mind shifts and sales techniques that helped them get out of their own way and create two of the most profitable portrait studios in the country. You will learn the 3 P’s to Profitable Selling: PROCESS - PREDICT - PRODUCT.  PROCESS: Discover the power of developing your process that sets you up as the trusted guide and expert who will help your client achieve their desires while building a sustainable business for you.  PREDICT: Develop the ability to prepare for and overcome many of those questions and objections that make you clench in the sales room without backpedaling, discounting or turning into a sales-y jerk.  PRODUCT: Deepen your understanding of your product line-up (or the lack thereof) and how that might be hurting your sales.  Lastly, you will learn how to tie all of it together and develop and implement your sales plan for financial success and artistic fulfillment.

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