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About the Class

Come with Joel Grimes on this journey as he digs deep to examine, explore and encourage the creative process.

Joel first takes you down an interesting path, discussing how art and artists are often defined. Rather than focusing on terms like “genius” and “brilliant,” Joel emphasizes the hard work, motivation and passion that go into creating something worthwhile. Examine and explore the many ways an artist can express ideas, so that your work truly is a manifestation of you. You’ll also discuss the concept of the final product – how what you produce is ultimately subject to someone else’s opinion and expectation, and how beauty is truly in the eyes of the beholder. After all, perception really is reality.

But never fear! Joel discusses outlets for the creative process and ways you can continually keep your motivation and inspiration alive and in front of your target audience! Explore how social media like Instagram and Facebook can be a great way to showcase your work and self-expression. Take a moment, step away from the fundamentals and immerse yourself in the creative process!

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