December 27, 2020, marks the day that America’s creators achieved a long-sought goal: the creation of a small claims process. On June 16, 2022, the Copyright Office opened the Copyright Claims Board (CCB) for business. PPA has created helpful resources for members which break down information released by the Copyright Office. You can file a claim under the CCB right now, but we would encourage you to thoroughly review our materials to familiarize yourself with the process.

Additional help can be sought through our Copyright Infringement Assistance Tool, which helps detail some options on how to proceed with an infringement of your work.

It is still vitally important that you protect your copyright. The small claims process is here, but bad actors may still attempt to steal your work. Check out our Copyright Kit for information on how to protect your copyright.

“It feels almost surreal,” PPA’s CEO David Trust said after the vote was taken. “We’ve worked so long and so hard, with so many setbacks.  It felt like we might never get to this point. This is a game-changer for small creators who are tired of being stolen from.”

David Trust, PPA CEO